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1. We will connect you to a FREE site with RANCH and CLUB locations, acreage, 100 + PUBLIC LAND Hunting and Fishing maps, and to be notified of any changes in the future.
2. A ranch land owner, ranch manager or member of a hunting club will email or call you within 10 days, subject to openings.
3. We will never release this to anyone else without your permission, but will occasionally email you with fishing and hunting reports and and to be notified updated property information.
4. If no one contacts you , please email, we will make sure someone helps you.
Since 2008, Ranch Hunt Club has developed a network of hunting ranches and hunting clubs from 2 to 65,000 acres. You can hunt any of them and great majority have free family access and fishing.
. We are passionate about protecting our outdoor life for everyone, how about you?
- Day use of 70 plus fishing and hunting ranches or clubs affordably or just use our custom map site to find a public area.
- We want to help you enjoy the outdoors no matter what, get 100+ free hunting and fishing maps of public lands county by county and our Hunting and Fishing newsletter.
New Program! One fee gets you access to 100 plus properties, sign up below! Limited Openings..
Copyright © Hunting Ranches and Hunting Clubs California and Oregon.
Bird -We have (0) Upland Bird hunting in Amador county The next nearest counties for bird hunting is Calveras, 4 Upland Bird hunting clubs or ranch properties,
However, within 1 to 2 hour drive time, there are 52 properties for waterfowl, pheasants, turkey and quail hunting. San Joaquin (1 for pheasant hunting and duck hunting), Sutter (5 for pheasants and duck hunting) Colusa (25 for ducks, geese, pheasants and dove hunting). Mendocino, Lake, Napa, Sonoma and Glenn Counties have a total of 16 hunting ranches or club properties for quail and turkey hunting. South of Amador county we have turkey, quail, dove in Santa Barbara, Kern, and Kings counties.
Make a note on the bottom of this page if you want information on these properties, or return to the home page and select one of the specific hunting in California, Amador County pages.
Big Game- We have (0) big game hunting clubs or ranches in Amador county. The next nearest county for Big Game hunting is Calvaras Glenn, and Tehama (6 ranches for deer and pig). South of this county we also have deer, pig / boar hunting in Santa Barbara, Kern, and Kings counties. However, within 3 to 3.5 hours drive time there are 15 properties for big game hunting. Napa (3 for hog or deer hunting) Lake (2 for deer and pig hunting), Mendocino (10 for pig and deer hunting).
Make a note on the bottom of this page if you want information on these, or return to the home page and select one of the specific hunting in California, Amador County pages.
Fish- We have (0) fishing property available in Amador county. However, within 2 to 5 hour drive time there are 17 properties for private fishing, Calveras (3 for bass and trout) Mendocino (6 for bass or steelhead), private fly fishing in Lassen and Shasta (8 total for trout or bass).
Make a note on the bottom of this page or go back to the home page and select one of the specific hunting in California, Amador County page
FREE List of 500 + Public Refuge Hunting lands, Fishing and Hunting Clubs,WITH MAPS, for hunting in California and Oregon
Only with you get access to private ranches in Oregon and California
We won't waste your time, or try and sell you decoys or something. Since 2009 RHF works only to get you FREE info and contacts without any catch or tomfoolery.
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We have 10 Free Refuge Maps .